Business Fund Program
The Ellensburg Downtown Association if offering a Business Fund Program that is available to downtown businesses within the downtown core. 2023's funding will focus on beautification. Our downtown needs of some sprucing up and this is our opportunity to make a difference to five businesses who will receive up to $2000 and visibly show our supporters that their donations are important to small businesses in downtown Ellensburg.
This fund is sponsored by EDA Supporters Contributions and Umpqua Bank who have contributed to this fund.
Our goal is to offer funding available to businesses that will help them succeed and bring additional sales to their businesses and our downtown core through process improvements, new opportunities, and/or expansion.We believe in the strength, endurance, and longevity of our downtown businesses and will continue to find ways to support their growth and stability. We feel strongly in the transformative nature of independent business owners and those who continue to show a commitment to our historic downtown core.
The 2023 cycle is focusing on the beautification of our downtown businesses. Our downtown needs some sprucing up and this is our opportunity to make a difference to five businesses who may receive up to $2,000 and visibly show our supporters that their donations are important to the small businesses in downtown Ellensburg.
Applicants may receive funding for approved project cost up to $2,000.
Eligibility includes Downtown retail and/or service for profit businesses who have a physical address within the downtown boundaries.
Must have been in business within the downtown core for the last 12 months.
Project Proposal May Include Façade improvements/beautification/expansion, infrastructure updates, window/signage/painting updates, interior and exterior design/décor updates, and/or remodeling. Ineligible Expenses Owner/Employee wages Business operating expenses, rent/mortgage/utilities Funding may not be used for expenses that have been or will be reimbursed by other federal or state funding programs Funding may not be used for a project already completed.
Applications will be available on May 1st, 2023, Application submission will close on May 31st, 2023, at 11:29PM. Award notification will be made on or before June 12th, 2023.